Posts by Collection



Institutional Constraints on Tourism Policy Implementation in China: A Case Study

Published in CAUTHE 2006: To the City and Beyond. Footscray, Vic.: Victoria University. School of Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing, 2006, 2006

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Wang, D., & Ap, J. (2006). Institutional Constraints on Tourism Policy Implementation in China: A Case Study. In: Whitelaw, Paul A (Editor); Barry, O’Mahony G (Editor). CAUTHE 2006: To the City and Beyond. Footscray, Vic.: Victoria University. School of Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing, 2006: 1414-1420.

Tourism organizations and their partners: The case of the Elkhart County Convention and Visitors Burea

Published in 14th Annual Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism, 2009

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Zach, F., Wang, D., & Fesenmaier, D. (2009). Tourism organizations and their partners: The case of the Elkhart County Convention and Visitors Bureau. 14th Annual Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality & Tourism

Differentiation of Tourism Online Information Channels Through Information Search Activities

Published in 41th TTRA Annual Conference. San Antonio, U.S., 2010

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Wang, D., Park, S., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2010). Differentiation of Tourism Online Information Channels Through Information Search Activities. 41th TTRA Annual Conference. San Antonio, U.S., 20-22 June, 2010.

The Role of Mobile Applications in Addressing Tourists Information Needs

Published in 16th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism. Houston, U.S., 2011

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Wang, D., Park, S., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2011). The Role of Mobile Applications in Addressing Tourists Information Needs. 16th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism. Houston, U.S., 6–8 January 2011.

Mobile Technology, Everyday Experience and Travel: A Multi-Stage Model

Published in Mobile Technology, Everyday Experience and Travel: A Multi-Stage Model, 2012

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Wang, D., Park, S., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2012). Mobile Technology, Everyday Experience and Travel: A Multi-Stage Model. TTRA 2012 International Annual Conference. Virginia Beach, Virginia, U.S., 19-21 June, 2012.

The Impact of Mass Media Effects on Organic Destination Image: Singapore as a Case Study

Published in China Tourism and China Hotel-Branding Forum 2013, Hong Kong, 2013

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Chan, R. & Wang, D. (2013). The Impact of Mass Media Effects on Organic Destination Image: Singapore as a Case Study. China Tourism and China Hotel-Branding Forum 2013, Hong Kong, 16-18 May, 2013 (2013) (ISBN: 978-962-850-5944)

A model of travel information search using smartphones: a temporal dimension approach

Published in The 2013 Tourism Sciences Society of Korea (TOSOK) International Tourism Conference, Ulsan, Korea, 2013

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Park, S., & Wang, D. (2013) A Model of Travel Information Search Using Smartphones: A Temporal Dimension Approach. The 2013 Tourism Sciences Society of Korea (TOSOK) International Tourism Conference, Ulsan, Korea, 4-6 July, 2013 (2012) (USB publication)

Mobile Internet Access Patterns for Travel: Comparison of Desktops, Tablets, and Phones

Published in 2013 Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Annual International Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, 2013

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Pan, B. & Wang, D. (2013). Mobile Internet Access Patterns for Travel: Comparison of Desktops, Tablets, and Phones. 2013 Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Annual International Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, 20-22 Jun, 2013 (2013)

Transforming the Travel Experience: The Use of Smartphones for Travel

Published in International Federation for Information Technology and Travel & Tourism (IFITT) and ENTER Conferences 2013, Innsbruck, Austria, 2013

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Wang, D. & Fesenmaier, D. (2013). Transforming the Travel Experience: The Use of Smartphones for Travel. International Federation for Information Technology and Travel & Tourism (IFITT) and ENTER Conferences 2013, Innsbruck, Austria, 22-25 Jan, 2013, pp.58-69 (2013)

The Impact of Mass Media on Hotel Frontline Employees’ Attitude and Service Orientation towards Mainland Chinese Tourists

Published in China Tourism and China Hotel-Branding Forum 2013, Hong Kong, 2013

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Chen, Y. & Wang, D. (2013). The Impact of Mass Media on Hotel Frontline Employees' Attitude and Service Orientation towards Mainland Chinese Tourists. China Tourism and China Hotel-Branding Forum 2013, Hong Kong, 16-18 May, 2013 (2013) (ISBN: 978-962-850-5944)' International Publishing.

Social Media and the Membership Management of Tourism Professional Organization: A Case Study

Published in 1st World Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Event Research and International Convention & Expo Summit 2013 (WHTER & ICES 2013), Bangkok, Thailand, 2013

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Wang, D. & Qiu, H. (2013). Social Media and the Membership Management of Tourism Professional Organization: A Case Study. 1st World Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Event Research and International Convention & Expo Summit 2013 (WHTER & ICES 2013), Bangkok, Thailand, 25-28 May, 2013

Adaptive Strategies to Technological Change: Understanding Travellers Using the Internet for Trip Planning

Published in Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2014, 2014

Book Chapter

Recommended citation: Xiang, Z., Wang, D., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2013). Adaptive Strategies to Technological Change: Understanding Travellers Using the Internet for Trip Planning. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2014 (pp. 411-423). Springer International Publishing.

Adaptive Strategies to Technological Change: Understanding Travellers Using the Internet for Trip Planning

Published in Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2014, 2014

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Xiang, Z., Wang, D., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2013). Adaptive Strategies to Technological Change: Understanding Travellers Using the Internet for Trip Planning. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2014 (pp. 411-423). Springer International Publishing.

Technology Adoption in Hospitality Organizations: An Outcome of the Imbrication of IT, Organizations, and Environment

Published in World Conference on Hospitality, Tourism, and Event Research (WHTER) and International Convention and Expo Summit (ICES) 2015, Seoul, Korea, 2015

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Wang, D. & Wang, J. Technology Adoption in Hospitality Organizations: An Outcome of the Imbrication of IT, Organizations, and Environment. World Conference on Hospitality, Tourism, and Event Research (WHTER) and International Convention and Expo Summit (ICES) 2015, Seoul, Korea, 20-22 May, 2015 (May 2015).

The Impact of Sharing Economy on the Diversification of Tourism Products: Implications for Tourist Experience

Published in Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2016, 2016

Book Chapter

Recommended citation: Wang, D., Li, M., Guo, P., & Xu, W. (2016). The Impact of Sharing Economy on the Diversification of Tourism Products: Implications for Tourist Experience. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2016 (pp. 683-694). Springer, Cham.

Assessment of spatial presence in virtual realtiy and its effects on intention to visit tourism destinations

Published in The 2nd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2016

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Tussyadiah, I., Wang, D., & Jia, C. Assessment of spatial presence in virtual realtiy and its effects on intention to visit tourism destinations. The 2nd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference, Hong Kong, China, 16-18 May 2016 (May 2016)

The exploration of IT-Based service innovations in hotels: A perspective in customer value creation

Published in The 2nd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2016

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Lei, S., & Wang, D. The exploration of IT-Based service innovations in hotels: A perspective in customer value creation. The 2nd Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference, Hong Kong, China, May 16-18, 2016 (May 2016)

Factors influencing the popularity of branded content of integrated resort in social media

Published in The 21st Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Philadelphi, PA, USA, 2016

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Lei, S., & Wang, D. Factors influencing the popularity of branded content of integrated resort in social media. The 21st Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Philadelphi, PA, USA, 7-9 January 2016 (May 2016)

Exploring the persuasive power of virtual reality imagery for destination marketing

Published in 2016 Travel and Tourism Research Association Annual International Conference: Leading Tourism Research Innovation for today and tomorrow, Vail, Colorado, USA, 2016

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Tussyadiah, I., Wang, D., & Jia, C. Exploring the persuasive power of virtual reality imagery for destination marketing. 2016 Travel and Tourism Research Association Annual International Conference: Leading Tourism Research Innovation for today and tomorrow, Vail, Colorado, USA, 14-16 June, 2016 (Jun 2016)

Entrepreneurship in the contemporary tourism ecosystem: the case of incoming tour operators in Taiwan

Published in Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017, 2017

Book Chapter

Recommended citation: Hsu, A. Y. C., King, B., Wang, D., & Buhalis, D. (2017). Entrepreneurship in the contemporary tourism ecosystem: the case of incoming tour operators in Taiwan. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017 (pp. 101-113). Springer, Cham.

Pursuing personalization in tourism and hospitality—Current progress and future research

Published in 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference cum 4th Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference: East meets West in Hospitality and Tourism Education, 2019

Conference paper

Recommended citation: Lei, S. S. I., Liu, T., Ye, S., & Wang, D. "Pursuing personalization in tourism and hospitality—Current progress and future research". 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference cum 4th Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference: East meets West in Hospitality and Tourism Education, Hong Kong SAR, China, 22-25 May, 2019 (May 2019)

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Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

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